We have now returned back to Jondaryan, a long drive back over the goat tracks and highways of Queensland and the N.T. It was a 7,000km "side" trip but it was worth it to catch up with Stuart and Alex.
Like everyone else we have seen lots of road kill on our travels but by far the worst we have seen was on the way back, a three trailer road train full of cattle had ran off the road and overturned, not sure how the driver was but sure was a lot of wasted steaks lining the roadside.
Apart from one night in a caravan park at Mt Isa we free camped the rest of the way home and found a couple of real good ones, one even had grass and no RED DUST.
We soon got back back into the groove here at the Woolshed but on Saturday night it all came unstuck when Lucille decided to try and upstage Sue and her medical problems...she was talking to horses that were outside our van and as she moved away tripped over the annexe guy rope and fell over and landed on the point of her right elbow and managed to brake both her main bones in her forearm, this was 9.30pm rang the nearest Hospital and they advised an ambulance which we got and eventually they arrived and administered some morphine, much to the relief of Lucille as she was in extreme agony, so a long night at the hospital followed, the x rays showed one bone badly fractured and the other broken and moved so they put Lucille in the land of the nod and reset the bone and put on a temporary cast, we finally got out of there about noon on Sunday.
Back to see the bone Doc tomorrow to organise when they will operate as they still have to put some pins in, hopefully it will be Wednesday or Thursday. At the moment she is pretty comfortable thanks to the mix of painkillers that she is taking.
Sooo that makes me the cook and bottle washer, personal hygiene controller and dresser/undresser, so far we are coping ok and of course Lucille being Lucille she is already starting to do some things, her left hand writing is not real flash though.
Things are very busy here at Jondaryan as the Jackie Howe Festival and Golden Shears Competition is on this weekend, most of the staff reckon Lucille has gone a bit over board just to get out of working at the weekend.
Anyway more updates will follow in due course